Thursday, March 19, 2020

Munchauesen's Syndrome By Proxy? Is America Being Slowly Murdered By It's Government, Who Only Wants a Little Attention ... in the Form of a Rollover into a Global-Communist System

What is Munchauesen's Syndrome By Proxy?
Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSBP) is a mental health problem in which a caregiver makes up or causes an illness or injury in a person under his or her care, such as a child, an elderly adult, or a person who has a disability. 
Because vulnerable people are the victims, MSBP is a form of child abuse or elder abuse. Note: 
Since most cases of MSBP are between a caregiver (usually a mother) and a child, the rest of this topic will describe that relationship. But it is important to remember that MSBP can involve any vulnerable person who has a caregiver. 
The caregiver with MSBP may: 
  • Lie about the child's symptoms. 
  • Change test results to make a child appear to be ill. 
  • Physically harm the child to produce symptoms. 
Victims are most often small children. They may get painful medical tests they don't need. They may even become seriously ill or injured or may die because of the actions of the caregiver.
Are we the people victims of Munchauesen's Syndrome By Proxy?

Maybe. You decide.

From J.J. Sefton:
Good morning, kids. Thursday and for me as each day passes, the more the pain and suffering from the societal, economic and governmental reaction to the "Shy Knees (SWIDT?) Boo-Boo Oopsie" eclipses the actual physical pain, suffering and death by the virus itself, the more I am convinced that this entire thing is a completely manufactured crisis. 
Whether or not the Chinese government intentionally unleashed what is tantamount to biological warfare on the US and the West, or conveniently benefitted by forces equally opposed to the President's wildly successful anti-globalist/pro-American trade policy who took advantage of the panic to torpedo the American and western economies is an issue that should be dealt with. The fact of the matter is that China and its willing stooges are the beneficiaries of this. 
Again, I'm neither a doctor nor epidemiologist but looking at as many articles as I can from the experts with regards to the infection rate and morbidity rates weighed against all the factors in the particular hotspots, this disease is certainly more dangerous than the common cold or flu, BUT as with the latter mostly with the elderly and those who have compromised respiratory function. In other words, just like the common cold or flu. 
This isn't a medical blog and I think it gets into the weeds to engage in a discussion of the biology of this in this venue. That said, the latest news on potential vaccines and the halting of the spread/infections is important and should be discussed. 
Beyond any potential vaccines, which even at the earliest could take months before being ready, many in the medical and epidemiological field think that we have been wildly overreacting to this particular outbreak. 
Per James Barrett at Daily Wire: 
In an analysis published Tuesday, Stanford's John P.A. Ioannidis - co-director of the university's Meta-Research Innovation Center and professor of medicine, biomedical data science, statistics, and epidemiology and population health - suggests that the response to the coronavirus pandemic may be "a fiasco in the making" because we are making seismic decisions based on "utterly unreliable" data. 
The data we do have, Ioannidis explains, indicates that we are likely severely overreacting. 
"The current coronavirus disease, Covid-19, has been called a once-in-a-century pandemic. But it may also be a once-in-a-century evidence fiasco,"Ioannidis writes in an opinion piece published by STAT on Tuesday. "Draconian countermeasures have been adopted in many countries. If the pandemic dissipates - either on its own or because of these measures - short-term extreme social distancing and lockdowns may be bearable," the statistician writes. 
"How long, though, should measures like these be continued if the pandemic churns across the globe unabated? How can policymakers tell if they are doing more good than harm?"... 
Well I guess if they are able to shakedown the treasury, destroy a wildly popular president's chances at a sure re-election by destroying the economy and shred whatever is left of our Constitutionally-protected freedoms to make it easier for the Left to hijack the country either now or in the near future on some other flimsy pretext ("to save the planet!") then the policymakers would have been successful. 
But I digress.


cjk said...

Scott Lively has a similar short video out comparing this 'pandemic' to the Spanish Flu of 1918.
I think Scott Lively's take is more likely than this one

Pastorius said...

Could you give me a link?

cjk said...

Scott Lively on youtube

cjk said...

It is weird that the first officially recognized cases were in Kansas.
I don't know but I'm generally not into conspiracy theories.