Tuesday, March 17, 2020


From Powerline:

The estimable Richard Epstein offers a contrarian view of the Wuhan coronavirus crisis. He argues that panic over the virus is significantly overblown.
Epstein writes:
[I]t seems more probable than not that the total number of cases world-wide will peak out at well under 1 million, with the total number of deaths at under 50,000 (up about eightfold). In the United States, if the total death toll increases at about the same rate, the current 67 deaths should translate into about 500 deaths at the end.
Of course, every life lost is a tragedy—and the potential loss of 50,000 lives world-wide would be appalling—but those deaths stemming from the coronavirus are not more tragic than others, so that the same social calculus applies here that should apply in other cases.
Epstein levels criticisms at models predicting many millions of infections, and up to 1 million deaths, in America. His criticisms seem persuasive.
As for Epstein’s defense of his own forecasts, you can be the judge. For me, his predictions seem optimistic — a best case scenario — but more realistic than the gloomy predictions he attacks.
What public policy consequences follow from Epstein’s model and predictions? He says:
[T]he stakes are too high to continue on the current course [of wholesale closures and social isolation] without reexamining the data and the erroneous models that are predicting doom.
At the same time, Epstein acknowledges that (1) “the amount of voluntary and forced separation in the United States has gotten very extensive very quickly, which should influence rates of infection sooner rather than later” and (2) there is considerable uncertainty about how widespread and deadly the virus will prove to be.
As to the second point, we know what has happened with the virus in China and have a fair idea of what will happen in South Korea. However, we don’t know how things will play out in Italy. Epstein expects to see a decline of deaths in Italy similar to China’s, but we don’t know.
I agree with Epstein that we need to keep examining the data, rather than relying on erroneous gloomy models to determine public policy. But I think we should await more data, such as that which will soon emerge from Italy, and, of course data from the U.S., before making major adjustments to the extremely cautious polices that have been put in place during the last few days.


Redneck Texan said...

I read the news today, oh boy....

You know ....... this is kinda like being on a train, and rumors are swirling that a bridge is washed out somewhere in front of you.

But you dont get off the train because you need to get to your destination ...... or your family might starve, or the repo man will come and get all your shit.

.... Traffic has been lighter than normal this week. But I'm going about my life .......... like the future is ....... unknown. That's always been the case with the future but planning for it was always more fun when you suspected there was an abundance of it.

Its saving me some money on Amazon. I have a cart full of stuff but the new litmus test on pulling the trigger is will I really be needing that? Will I need other things desperately 2 weeks from now and had wasted money on unnecessary trinkets?

The News is apocalyptic. Mortality permeates my every thought. .... but it has for years. It has since I was a child. Nothing new here, just the focus is a little clearer.

I'm sure looking forward to getting over this hump of darkness. Going over enough bridges that I'm confident the next one will be there.

thelastenglishprince said...

In Dallas County: Five of 28 hospitalized and three are in critical condition.
