Saturday, December 12, 2020

Australia Scraps Its COVID-19 Vaccine After It Causes False Positives In HIV Tests


As I have written here before, I don't know anyone who has died of COVID. But all my friends in the entertainment business know multiple people who have died of COVID.

In this respect the Coronavirus "pandemic" is reminiscent of the AIDS epidemic. 


Australia on Friday canceled a roughly $750 million plan for a large order of a locally developed coronavirus vaccine after the inoculation produced false positive test results for H.I.V. in some volunteers participating in a trial study. Of the dozens of coronavirus vaccines being tested worldwide, the Australian one was the first to be abandoned. While its developers said the experimental vaccine had appeared to be safe and effective, the false positives risked undermining trust in the effort to vaccinate the public.
Vaccines are typically made up (at least in part) of a small dose of the virus that they are out to stop.

Isn't that interesting this vaccine triggered a AIDS 

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