Sunday, December 20, 2020

Every single US state is being advised to consider ethnic minorities as critical groups for vaccination with HALF prioritizing black and Hispanic residents over white Half of US states mentioned racial equity in their plans for vaccine rollout

Of these, 12 states specifically mention efforts to 'reach diverse populations' 
California, Louisiana, New Mexico, North Carolina, and Indiana are among those who have listed equity as a 'key principle for vaccine distribution' 
New Jersey, California and Kansas will focus on improving access to the vaccine by targeting transportation issues 
New Mexico will focus on Native American communities 
Many states will be focusing on their communication to black communities who have shown in increased hestitance to take a vaccine 
In the US, black and Hispanic people are almost three times more likely to die from Covid-19 than whites


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what's the fuss? let your enemies mutate or dissolve or get aids with the half baked experimental vaccine.