Monday, December 21, 2020

THE GREAT RESET: "You Will Own Nothing, and You Will Be Happy"

Is that a promise, or a threat?


Anonymous said...

I'm all in for a "Great Reset". My wish list:

1) Abolish the United Nations and bulldoze that Tower of Babel into the East River.

2) Abolish the income Tax.

3) Repeal ALL federal gun laws except for control of imports and exports.

4) End transfer payments at the federal level including Social Security.

5) End the US military occupation of all foreign countries that were not unconditionally defeated by US and allied armed forces with the last decade.

6) Terminate the NATO alliance.

7) Repeal the 17th amendment to the US constitution (direct election of the US Senate).

8) End the "War on Drugs" at the federal level.

9) Require a Congressional Declaration of War before committing US troops to foreign deployments.

10) Restrict US House and Senate to 6 months in session per annum.

11) Require Congress to submit and abide by an annual budget.

I could go on but that was off the top of my head in two minutes.

Most Likely II said...

The great "Bisect" Go get F'd elsewhere World.

You will hide quietly in your hastily dug spider-hole, nursing your bruised anus with a boot still stuck in it.