Monday, July 08, 2024

The Democratic Establishment Wants To Get Rid of Biden, So They Are Leaking ... But They Are So Tone Deaf, They Don't Realize Every Leak Is an Admission of The Hoax They Have Tried to Pull On The American People

‘Walk to Podium’: Fresh Leaks Show Biden Aides Micromanaging His Every Move With Verbal and Visual Cues

The leaks are flying out the White House as staffers who want Old Joe to step aside seek to spread the word about his declining health.

According to a report from Axios, Biden staffers are preparing large documents with instructions for his every move, including something as simple and obvious as walking up to the podium.

Before a presidential event, the White House sends event staffers a document to emulate when preparing their own materials for the president.

One template — a copy of which was obtained by Axios — is short and simple, with one large picture of the event space on each page, accompanied with big text such as: “View from podium,” and “View from audience.” In the five-page document, two pages are separate pictures of, “Walk to podium.”

The staffer who helped with the fundraiser told Axios: “It surprised me that a seasoned political pro like the president would need detailed verbal and visual instructions on how to enter and exit a room.”

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