Monday, July 22, 2024

Ace of Spades Speculates On The Mysterious Biden "Withdrawal" From the Race


We are truly in unprecedented times. 

One candidate was almost assassinated.

The other withdraws from the race.

Both of them look like a kind of coup.

Because of these events are so strange, there is bound to be a lot of speculation.

Here's an interesting bit of speculation from Ace of Spades:

I started to feel that Biden would not drop out after all of those statements that he was in it to win it on Friday. I kept saying, "All he has to do to resist this pressure is just keep saying, 'no.' And that's all he has to do, say 'no.'"

But then on Saturday, I realized that wasn't true: They could force Biden out: By the 25th Amendment process. The scenario I considered is that every Cabinet secretary (they vote in the 25th Amendment process) could come forward to Biden and tell him, "If you force us to invoke the 25th Amendment, we will all vote that you are 'incapacitated,' and you'll lose this presidency as well as the next one. And you'll go down in history as the first officially-senile president."

So here's my own conspiracy theory about why Joe isn't talking:

Joe called their bluff and said "then have your vote." They voted, and declared him incapacitated -- secretly. Then, instead of making this public, they took the vote to Biden, and said, "We are about to announce this. But you can negotiate a way out. Just withdraw from the race, and we'll bury this vote and never speak of it again."

That could explain this very strange situation.

Obviously, this would mean that Biden is currently not the president, as upon the taking of this (hypothetical) vote he ceased to be president and Kamala Harris became president, and that means that the nation is currently being run by an illegal junta.

In other words-- par for the course.


New York Post: Insiders Say that Democrats Threatened to "Forcibly Remove Biden from Office" Unless He "Voluntarily" Resigned


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