Monday, August 10, 2009

Government Home Invasions

See, now, this story by Grant Jones below just really pisses me off.
Who do they think they are, trying to intimidate by arriving like a thief in the night?
I got the same message for them as I do for the Islamist skin head fools who may try to intimidate.
You show up at my home, uninvited, threatening me or mine and you will be met by the same response.
And if you think you can leave a message for me with my family, maybe I should warn you about my wife and daughters.
A home invasion is a home invasion, whether you're threatening on behalf of yourself, your government or your religion.
Just don't do it.

Put that in your email to WhiteHouse.snitch


Total said...

Speaking of home invasions, one of the Saudi Princesses just got robbed of 15.5 million dollars from her hotel suite in Sardinia. It's just unfortunate that $15.5 million is pocket change for that spoiled cow.

nunya said...

It's terrorism. It should be treated as such.