Monday, August 10, 2009

Mary Robinson & Nadav Tamir

A message from Bishop Jackson:


(Stand True to America's National Destiny)



Over many objections, Obama is going to give the Medal of Freedom Award to Mary Robinson, former United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. She presided over the World Conference Against Racism in Durban , South Africa in 2001, which became a platform forhostility to Israel and the Jewish people. The United States boycotted Durban in 2001 over the final document which equated Zionism with racism.

According to the World Jewish Congress: “Ms. Robinson’s tenure at the UNCHR featured much anti-Israel activity, including distorted condemnatory reports and statements, an endorsement of Palestinian violence as legitimate political activity, and the outrageous equating of the Holocaust to the suffering of the Palestinians.” Obama made the same equation in his Cairo speech.

What disturbs me most is the tendency of the media, Robinson and the anti-Jewish crowd to dismiss objections as coming from the “Jewish lobby”. This phrase is code for the anti-Semitic myth that “the Jews control everything.” I am asking all my gentile friends and members of STAND to contact the White House and let them know that all decent Americans object to giving honor to a person who presided over the Durban Conference, which was nothing but an anti-Israel cabal.  

And what is with Nadav Tamir , Israeli Consul-General in Boston ? He says there are political elements  in America ready to sacrifice the special relationship between the two countries simply because they are opposed to Obama. He also says there is a sense in the U.S. that N.Korea, Iran and Israel are governments of  “obduracy”. 

I don’t know this man, but is he nuts? To lump Israel with these rogue nations and then say there is that “sense” in the US is insane. Where? Among what people? He must be drinking the Obama kool-aid. I think it’s the other way around. There are ideological elements who are prepared to allow our special relationship with Israel to be scuttled because they will support whatever this President does.

Netanyahu is right to recall him for publishing that garbage. It is Obama who is trying to redefine the relationship between Israel and the US in order to facilitate his outreach to “the Muslim World and placate enemies of Israel and the U.S. ” There is no “sense” in the US that Israel is being “obdurate”, although I am sure this administration would like to sell that idea to anybody gullible enough to buy it. Israel is not trying to score political points. She is fighting for her very survival!

We STAND with Israel !

Bishop Jackson

I interview Bishop Jackson here (about nine minutes in).

More from Bishop Jackson here.

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