Monday, August 10, 2009

"Officer Dillon notifies the Young Americans for Liberty that they have no First Amendment Rights at the Federally-owned Washington D.C. National Mall for Freedom of Speech. "
No kidding. Check it out at 1:40
Thanks to Michael Travis for sending it.


Anonymous said...

Alright seriously. That is messed up. What the **** happened to the constitution being the supreme law of the land?

I thought America was a republic!

Anonymous said...

The officer cited 36 CFR 7.96 which appears to confirm activity on Federal Land is regulated by the requirement of a Permit.

Yeah, no bias here. Want to bet the anti-war protesters that spray painted graffiti on the US Capital Bldg. Stairs didn't have a permit . . .yet, somehow - according to this video report they had permission to VANDALIZE Federal Property?!!!

Total said...

Officer Dillon seems to have a case of little man syndrome. I did like that last dig at that little power-abusing bully; the kid's got balls.

Kid: 886? Thanks, Officer Dillon.

Dillon: It's actually Sergeant

Kid: Thanks a lot, Officer Dillon.

Pastorius said...

I'm sure the law is applied differently for Conservatives than it is for Liberals.

However, the law is the law.

One would think Young Americans for Liberty would know they would need a permit to carry out a demonstration on the National Mall.

Always On Watch said...

About two decades ago, I took a group of 4th-6th graders on a field trip to Capitol Hill. Our sponsoring U.S. Representative Frank Wolf was delayed, so I had nearly 45 restless students on my hands. In order to keep them from becoming a nuisance, I had them line up in choir formation and sing "America the Beautiful." The Capitol Hill Police told us to disband or go to jail because we didn't have a permit to assemble on the steps of the Capitol.

We ceased and desisted, even though bystanders were clearly on the side of the choir.

A few minutes later, one of the rowdy boys was running all over the place. He fell and got banged up a bit, requiring first aid.

Michael Travis said...

They should have arrested all of you! This land is their land, not yours!

Soon you'll require a "permit" to live over fifty years.....and we will all.."Understand". Well not all of us 'cos Always and Michael will be in some gulag.

The US Constitution is the supreme law of the land... those who have deliberately attempted to replace it with tyranny and fear..... should be jailed forever.


Pastorius said...

We are a nation of laws. If we the people do not like the law that peaceful demonstrations must require permits, we should act to change the law.

But, that is the law, and it has been that way for a very long time.

Michael Travis said...

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. "

Everyone involved in creating bogus "Laws" that attempt to negate the US Constitution must be jailed for life. The Republic must be restored and those who have tried to substitute Tyranny for Liberty must be removed forever from our midst.

Michael Travis said...

"right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. "

A right is defined in most legal dictionaries as an entitlement, which is far different than a privilege or a license which are granted from a legal authority such a law or statute made by a state legislature, or the the Congress. So if rights come from our creator, and privileges come from government, why the big fuss?

What the fuss is all about is that government has now taken to doing exactly the opposite of what it was sworn to uphold, the Bill of Rights of the US Constitution. Most, if not all, government officials take an oath to defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic.

If government is continually violating the rights that people are born with, the question I must ask is: who are they working for?

Pastorius said...

I understand your point. And, in fact, you know I believe that the rights conferred are given from God, not by the Constitution itself, or by the vote of a government.

However, here's a question to ask yourself; how should the government handle a situation like Louis Farrakhan's plan for the Million Man March? Should they require him to go according to procedures, or should he be able to plan such an event in backrooms and one day just spring it on DC. Hey, here I am with a million men. What are you going to do about it?

And, here's another question. Should Britney Spears be allowed to set up her band in the middle of Times Square and just start playing? What if she played quietly? You know, an acoustic set?

That would be an expression of Free Speech, right?

And yet, we accept the idea that such public events require permits.

And, apparently, you are saying there should be no permit required. There is a logic to what you are saying. I question the rationality of it.

Michael Travis said...

However, here's a question to ask yourself; how should the government handle a situation like Louis Farrakhan's plan for the Million Man March? Should they require him to go according to procedures, or should he be able to plan such an event in backrooms and one day just spring it on DC.

Our public servants should obey the Constitution... or be removed permanently from our midst.

Anonymous said...

It's a shame this happened to YAL. To help teach students what to do in these situations and learn the foundations of a free society, Students For Liberty ( is holding 7 Regional Conferences around the U.S. this fall. Check them out at

Pastorius said...

So, you'd be ok with Louis Farrakhan all of the sudden just showing up in DC with a million men.

Ok, now everyone knows what you think, and what I think. We are clear on each others opinions.