Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Lest Anyone Believe Jenny Tonge Proposed A Hearing On Israeli Organ-Harvesting In Order To Clear Jews of Blood Libel

If that's what you believe, then watch this video, with Lauren Booth interviewing Jenny Tonge on Iran's PressTV:

cjk comments:
Such a feeling person she is!
I wonder how she feels about people teaching toddlers extreme hatred?
I wonder how she feels about people who purposely target civilians just for that purpose rather than military targets?
I wonder how she feels about people who launch rockets from schoolyards for cover?
I wonder how she feels about people who hide out in civilian inhabited buildings after shooting at soldiers?
I wonder how she feels about entire 'political' parties founded around the destruction and genocide of Joooooos?
The c*nt shoulkd be forced to live among her dear humiliated and beaten down Hamas teddy bears.


cjk said...

Such a feeling person she is!
I wonder how she feels about people teaching toddlers extreme hatred?
I wonder how she feels about people who purposely target civilians just for that purpose rather than military targets?
I wonder how she feels about people who launch rockets from schoolyards for cover?
I wonder how she feels about people who hide out in civilian inhabited buildings after shooting at soldiers?
I wonder how she feels about entire 'political' parties founded around the destruction and genocide of Joooooos?
The c*nt shoulkd be forced to live among her dear humiliated and beaten down Hamas teddy bears.

Total said...

They call her "Jihad Jenny" for a reason.

Ray Boyd said...

She is obviously a twat but don't label the British as anti-semetic because of one twat. That's a real dumbass thing to do.

Pastorius said...

Ok. Gotcha.

Hey, send me an email if you want to contribute here again.




cjk said...

When I referred to entire political parties I was speaking of Hamas