Monday, September 02, 2013

Obama’s War Request To Congress On Syria Is “Blank Check”, Gives Him Power To Commit Whatever Assets He Chooses

It took less than 24 hours for lawmakers to realize that the draft authorization for the use of military force sent to Congress by President Barack Obama would open the door to a prolonged war with Syria. 
That’s not something that Obama or top administration have been publicly pushing for — all indications are that the plan is for targeted action to deter the regime of Bashar al-Assad from further use of chemical weapons. 
But, as became clear on Capitol Hill on Sunday, Congress has no appetite for the broader mandate that the White House technically proposed. As #WGDB noted Saturday night, the draft would authorize Obama to use U.S. military assets “as he determines to be necessary and appropriate” to prevent Assad from using or proliferating chemical weapons and other types of weapons of mass destruction. 
Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan., reportedly said after a Sunday afternoon classified briefing in the Capitol that administration officials had conceded the resolution language would be modified. “I think the biggest question I heard is that the president’s request is open-ended,” Roberts said, according to The Washington Post.


Christine said...

It's too late. He might as well forget it now.

Christine said...

Because by the time everybody get's done arguing about this and eventually approves it, they will no longer have legitimate targets.

If as he says, he plans to only target the WMD.

What do you think Syria is doing right now?

They certainly are not going to leave things as they were.

They have plenty of time to move and dismantle everything.

Pastorius said...

Obama is pro-WMD Jihad.

Pastorius said...

Obama wears a bracelet that says, WWJD?


Christine said...

It will be very interesting to see what he actually bombs if he get's the chance to do it.