Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Chris Matthews Still Believes Benghazi Was a Spontaneous Attack Because of a "Crazy Right-Wing Video"


It's the only explanation.

MATTHEWS: This is my problem Joy with that interview and the questioning from O’Reilly, and I’m not a media critic. But the information’s out there that Susan Rice told the truth. It was a spontaneous attack on our facility in Benghazi… In Cairo the attacks there were in response apparently to the video! The crazy right wing video that came out of Los Angeles! So, it was right! She got it right Susan Rice. So, why doesn’t the president just blasting it back at the guy?

1 comment:

Charles Martel said...

That fool should retire and move either to Saudi Arabia or Pakistan, enjoy the experience, and leave us alone. I find him disgusting. He is such a pompous idiot.

He speaks from what he believes is a position of superiority, when in reality it's nothing but sheer ignorance.