Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Moderate Muslim Alert: Saudi Cleric Issues Fatwa Calling For Baby Girls To Wear Burqas To Prevent Rape

Moderate Muslim

From the New York Daily News:
A Saudi sheikh has issued a fatwa calling for female babies to wear burqas. Sheikh Abdullah Daoud, who is not affiliated with the government of Saudi Arabia, made his controversial edict during an interview on the Islamic al-Majd TV that aired six months ago but recently went viral on social networking sites. 
According to Daoud, dressing infants and children in the traditional Muslim veils would reduce the sexual molestation of minors, though the cleric did not cite any evidence for his view. 
Sheikh Mohammad al-Jzlana, a former judge at the Saudi Board of Grievances, told al-Majd TV that the fatwa was “denigrating to Islam and Shariah and made Islam look bad.”


Unknown said...

Saw it earlier on Twitter, it's a repeat of an old one, Weaselzippers his memory aint that good :)

Pastorius said...

Well, I think it's still important to get the word out that we have finally found a moderate Muslim.