Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Poster Boy for Vaccination Campaign Dies Suddenly at Just 4 Years Old

Poster Boy for Vaccination Campaign Dies Suddenly at Just 4 Years Old

In a tragic turn of events, Santino Godoy Blanco, just 4 years old, has passed away from pneumonia on Nov. 3, according to multiple reports.

If that name sounds at all familiar to you, that’s because Blanco was the face of one of Argentina’s various vaccination campaigns.


This article from La Nacion has details. It appears he died of viral pneumonia. Something that might happen if your immune system is shot at that age. From Google translate:

At autopsy, according to a first report, it was determined that Santino had “bilateral pneumonia.” The infectious agent that caused the disease has not yet been identified, as indicated to LA NACION , and the final forensic report is awaited.


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