Thursday, November 17, 2022

Young people who detransition describe death threats, doxxing, intimidation, and being accused of ‘genocide’ from the ‘cult-like’ transgender community they turn their backs on

EXCLUSIVE: Young people who detransition describe death threats, doxxing, intimidation, and being accused of ‘genocide’ from the ‘cult-like’ transgender community they turn their backs on

Young people who used drugs or surgery to change their gender but later regretted their procedures and sought to reverse them are warning of worsening abuse from the transgender community they’ve walked away from.

De-transitioners, as they are known, speak of online vitriol, doxxing, harassment and death threats after they made the tough decisions to exit what they describe as inward-looking and even ‘cult-like’ trans groups.

Tensions between trans activists and de-transitioners spiked this month at a meeting of Florida’s medical board, where sex change interventions for children were restricted. Insults were hurled, bomb threats were posted online.

Trans rights activists shouted over their opponents at the hearings, called out ‘bigot’ and ‘shame on all of you’, and vowed to dox board members, by publishing their private phone numbers and other details online.

The stakes are high. Trans activists face discrimination, many see themselves in a life-or-death civil rights struggle. By turning against that lifestyle and decrying puberty blockers for young people, de-transitioners undermine their cause.

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