Monday, January 27, 2025

Insane: German Funeral for Victims Murdered by Afghan Migrant, Including a 2-Yr-Old Child Is Marred by Antifa

As reported by Robert Spencer, a well-known expert on Jihad and militant Islam, a funeral for Germans murdered by an Afghan migrant was interrupted by Antifa.

On Wednesday, an Afghan migrant who was living in an asylum center was arrested for stabbing to death a two-year-old child and 41-year-old man on a playground. Two others were injured in the knife attack.

28-year-old Enamullah O had a history of violent attacks and was in Germany despite having an order to leave the country.

Workers at a nursery, or what we call a daycare center here in America, noticed the man acting suspiciously and decided to move the children inside. It was at that moment that the Afghan migrant attacked the children killing a two-yer-old and then killing a 41-year-old man who attempted to rescue the children.

It was just the latest mass killing by a migrant in Germany.

Then, at the funeral, Antifa showed up and reportedly insulted family members and friends, accusing them of being fascist.

Sadly, this well-known tactic of the left frequently works in silencing critics of mass migration and militant Islam.


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