Wednesday, January 29, 2025

J6 Protester Pardoned by President Trump Gunned Down by Sheriff’s Deputy During Traffic Stop in Indiana, Police Refuse FOIA Request for Video Evidence in Shooting

As reported earlier, a J6 political prisoner pardoned by Trump was killed by an Indiana police officer over the weekend.

FOX 32 Chicago reported at 4:15 p.m. local time Sunday that 42-year-old Matthew W. Huttle of Hobart, Indiana, was stopped by a Jasper County sheriff’s deputy during a traffic stop near the Pulaski County line.  Police say the deputy attempted to arrest Huttle after stopping him, but the civilian resisted.

The officer responded by firing his weapon and killing Huttle following a supposed fight.

Investigative journalist Yehuda Miller and The Gateway Pundit reached out to Jasper County Sheriff Williamson following the news of the deadly shooting. We FOIAed video of the incident from the police cameras.

Sheriff Williamson told us that because this was an open investigation, he would not release the footage!

The video will only be released when the investigation is completed.

“This is an open investigation by the Indiana State Police. In the near future when this investigation has been completed, we will provide video footage via our Jasper County Sheriff Website for you to view,” Sheriff Williamson told Miller.


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