Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Don't shake hands – you might catch something

Oh, hello. I won't shake hands: you might catch something. Oh, yes, being gay makes you likely to pass on death-dealing diseases with a handshake. You're contagious. Or should that be infectious? No matter, but you have to be so careful, you see, because there's this magazine that says you can catch things. Just by shaking hands with gay people. No kidding.

And I'm gay, so perhaps you didn't ought to be reading this page. Just in case. Especially if you're Muslim.

The proof of this phenomenon is here, in the Local, a German online magazine that quotes a German Arabic-language magazine called al-Salam. Well, you might have known religious nutters would be behind it all. If it's not Muslims it's Catholics or evangelicals.

But this magazine is passed around cafés and restaurants in and around the German capital and presents us with the ungrammatical headline, "A flesh-eating bacteria and sexual abnormality". A bacteria? Oh, well, it probably lost something in translation.

Anyhow, it says that gay men are hit by deadly diseases and that Muslim "brothers" should not shake their hands as "one never knows what kind of bacteria and germs are found on them".

Read the rest of the story here. What you'll discover when you do is that, once again, people are afraid of criticising Islam lest they be thought racist.


WATCHER71 said...

Andy you have 100% of my support! Yet again we see how the religion of 'peace' promotes peace and brotherhood amongst all men. I mean it's not as if it's a death cult or anything is it.....?

Stay safe Brother!

Pastorius said...

Hi Andy,
I am an Evangelical Christian who has spent much of his life in the performing arts and in the world of media. As such, I have more than my share of gay friends.

I am convinced that most people who are gay are born gay. I wish the church would stop condemning gays and, instead, start supporting them in living a life shared showered in the Love of God.

Now, I know you are an atheist and you don't believe such things, but the point is, I wanted to let you know there is a growing movement of people like me in the Evangelical Christian Church.

It will not always be this way. Things are changing. But, that is small compfort for someone like you who has possibly been the victim of cruelty.

All that being said, Christians don't stone gays to death. Muslims do, and they do so according to Sharia law which is established in countries around the world. And, of course, that is the subject of the Infidel Bloggers Alliance.

Anonymous said...

«Don´t shake hands – you might catch something»
