London The British government will air ads on Pakistani television urging terrorists to not attack Britain.Prominent British Muslims will star in the British Foreign Office-funded £400,000 (approximately Rs 2.9 crore)-campaign that is set to break on Pakistani television next Monday, ‘The Guardian’ reported on Tuesday.
The three-month public relations offensive, called ‘I Am the West’, will also include high-profile events in regions such as Peshawar and Mirpur, ‘The Guardian’ said. Seven in ten British Pakistanis are Mirpuris.
According to ‘The Guardian’, the first three ads in the project will feature British Communities Minister Sadiq Khan, UK manager of Islamic Relief Jehangir Malik, former England Under-19 captain and promising Worcestershire allrounder Moeen Ali, and the Lord Mayor of Birmingham, Chaudry Abdul Rashid, a Mirpuri.
The campaign, the paper said, will be targeted at ‘15-25-year-old males who are less than well-educated and worldly wise, but potentially susceptible to extremist doctrines’. Nine 30-second commercials, supported by ads on radio, will be aired on PTV, Geo TV and Khyber among other channels. If the Pakistani campaign is successful, it will be extended in Egypt, Yemen and Indonesia.
The central theme of the campaign, ‘The Guardian’ said, "is to assert that there is no contradiction in being a Muslim and being British." It has four key aims, the daily reported: ‘to ensure Pakistanis realise the west is not anti-Islamic, that British society is not anti-Islam, to demonstrate the extent to which Muslims are integrated into British society and to stimulate and facilitate constructive debate on the compatibility of liberal and Muslim values’.

Maybe, if we act like we're dead, the Muslims will leave us alone.
What´s the part you didn´t get it? [joking]
It´s jizya, man!
Put some Muslim actors to work, huh?
Yep and the ridiculous waste of money that goes into the pockets of islamist TVs.
Pastorius, I read your comments on the LGF thread about Wilders being banned from Britain. You should ask Thanos why he's touting the Jew-hating LD party in Belgium.
More importantly, did you see that Charles says he has sources confirming that Wilders is in fact forming a political alliance with the VB? Yay! And did you read this comment of his? Quote: The "anti-jihad movement" (if there ever really was one) has become a bigoted mess of smelly fascist associations, and I want nothing to do with these people.
I don't know how much clearer he could possibly make it: He is now a counter-counterjihadist. LGF has come full circle from its leftist roots, and the bulk of the posts over there attack Christians, Europeans and conservatives rather than jihadists. I hope you will continue to post over there in support of Wilders, though you will probably get thrown under the bus with the rest of us for doing so.
Well, you know how I feel about VB. I think that such an alliance would be a bad decision for Wilders, as it is for the rest of the people who have made that decision.
Note that I am consistent on this, going so far as to criticize Pope Benedict (who is one of my intellectual idols) and even suggesting that if he really thought that Williamson guy was fit for authority in the Catholic Church that perhaps it was time for him to go.
Because I don't think racists change their minds, unless they do exactly that; change their minds, a whole change, a paradigm shift.
And, my experience with people who have a conversion experience is they can not stop talking about it.
In fact, that's one of the reasons I do this. I was so shocked by the wild claims about Israel and the supposed "Jenin massacre" that my whole world was turned upside down, and I have been writing on this subject non-stop since 2002.
That's what happens when a person has a conversion experience.
I see evidence of no such thing in Filip DeWinter.
But, I will keep expressing my opinion.
Thanks for the encouragement.
India has adopted these stupid Gandhian principles since 1947 and is paying a steep price for it.
Britain by this appeasement tactics will pay the price in the years to come.
Pakistan will never improve or change course. It is not about lads of age 15 to 25, it is about the various terrorist organizations who brainwash these lads to go and create mayhem. FYI, Britain allows funding of such terror organizations in its territory, this is not rocket science, I can say that all terror strikes in India that have happened have been financed with a link to British Muslims.
Britain is committing a great mistake. You are risking the lives of countless innocent people by these tactics.
Spain went belly up after the Madrid bombings.
It's been nearly five years since the 7/7 UK bombings, a comparable event. Yet the UK waits till now to play the dhimmi and, in effect, plead with the jihadists.
As for Charles, does he support any counter-jihadists whatsoever?
I agree, dhimmi behavior is risking the lives of the people it is believed to protect.
And ultimately, the worst part is, the longer we wait to put a stop to the Jihad, the more dangerous it is going to become. Our politicians acknowledge that it will eventually go nuclear.
What do they think is going to be the result of that?
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