Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Interesting Lead Editorial In the WaPo

From the lead editorial on August 9, 2009:
...[I]t is disappointing, to say the least, to see Ms. Pelosi and other Democrats revert to round-up-the-usual-suspects demagoguery....


More fundamentally, the Obama administration is peddling health reform as an everybody-wins scenario in which no one, except perhaps the wealthiest of the wealthy, has to sacrifice anything. We recognize that selling dessert is easier than selling spinach, especially when the other side is falsely claiming that your food is poisonous. But if health reform passes and starts bringing down costs, it is going to pinch some patients who have become accustomed to getting every test or procedure they want. At that point, Mr. Obama might wish he had done a little more to prepare people for the changes.
The editorial also includes this paragraph:
If this moment is squandered, it will be a sad indictment of the political system -- and there will be plenty of blame to go around.
Sure, the editorial cites Republicans and conservative activists as a problem, but the editorial also doesn't let the Dems and BHO off the hook.

Read the entire editorial HERE.

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