Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Islamic Veil In France

From this August 9, 2009 article in the Washington Post:
...French people have long been accustomed to Muslim women wearing head scarves and long dresses. But the sight of women covered by black veils, increasingly frequent in some towns, has become the latest test of France's uneasy role as host to the largest Muslim population in Europe, nearly 6 million out of 64 million. Because of its stark distinction from the way European women dress, the full veil has generated a public outcry, becoming a symbol widely perceived as an assault on France's secular values.

"It's ridiculous," sneered Jose Aparecio, 66, a retired plumber surveying the busy square in Venissieux. "I don't know what they're trying to prove."


Most of the outrage, particularly among Paris commentators, has centered on women's rights, based on a supposition that women who wear full veils are forced to do so by their husbands. For instance, the Council of State, France's highest administrative tribunal, upheld the government's refusal to naturalize a veiled Moroccan woman because it said her attire "clashed with the values of a democratic society and the principle of sexual equality."

But more broadly, the decision to wear a full-length veil has been interpreted as a way to defy the ideal of integration, which traditionally has underpinned France's attitude toward Muslims and other immigrants. By ostentatiously refusing to blend in, women wearing such attire have generated intense resentment among European-stock French people long uncomfortable with an unaccustomed religion in their midst.

To some extent, the resentment also has spread among Muslim immigrants, particularly the elderly, who from humble beginnings worked hard to become part of the society and now see fellow Muslims challenging their adopted values. "If they don't like it here, they can always leave," sniffed Mustafa Zemaoui, 65, a retired locksmith who was sipping on a little glass of rose wine as the lunch hour approached.


...[T]he women become "walking prisons" behind their veils and, more important, are part of a campaign by hundreds of politically oriented Islamic fundamentalists to spread their views among Muslims in poor neighborhoods near the major cities of Lyon, Paris and Marseille....
Read the entire article HERE.

I'm not sure that I have recently seen in print in a mainstream-media publication that wearing the burqa is promoting "Islamic fundamentalism," which might be better expressed by the words "Islamic terrorism." Of course, using the words "Islamic terrorism" is tabu as those words interfere with singing kumbaya with those sworn to our destruction.

What's the new euphemism? Man-caused disasters, or something like that?


Pastorius said...

Back in 2002-2003, Mark Steyn and others were saying the Muslim population in France was already 10%. And yet, this article, and others I find online, are still estimating it at about 10%, with some saying that's an exaggeration.

I wonder what the truth is.

Chrystal K. said...

This is new.