Monday, August 10, 2009

Monday Nooner!

Jamie Cullum
Gran Torino


Unknown said...

This movie had bad culturist messages. It portrayed white men as grumpy, reactionary and intolerant. By the end of the movie he has come to realize that all immigrant cultures are wonderful and to be embraced. He has been reborn as a sensitive multiculturalist who can pity all those who judge.

The Hmong have been a terrible experiment in multiculturalism. The rates of spousal abuse, out of wedlock children and welfare dependency are high. I would imagine that the educational achievements ain't be great either. Their customs are very non-western. What would we say of this film if the wonderful family next door was Muslim and took him to a mosque?

Multiculturalism is not good for the West. Promote assimilation. Judge cultures from a Western point of view. Spread the words culturism and culturist.

AND sorry to pooh pooh your movie selection. It is entertaining other than its bad PC message.

midnight rider said...


I think you're seeing a culturist message where none may have been intended. This is a more personal story than that.

It's about a bigot who comes to realize he is wrong, befriends those he is bigoted against and defends them as a friend would, taking it to the last full measure (He who would lay his life down for a friend. . .)

The fight here is not one culture against another, it's Hmong on Hmong, a gang against/preying upon individual citizens. Walt steps in to defend those who can't properly defend themselves, even though they're of a people/culture he has been bigoted against because of past experience.

That said some questions for you.

In all scenarios you are Walt. Tell me what YOU would have done.

The "Spooks" scene. Would you have let the blacks attack that girl, or stepped in?

"Get off my lawn" -- Would you have broken up the fight, or let the kid suffer a bad beat down from the gang?

The Drive By Shooting -- would you have stayed in your house or run to the aid of your neighbor as soon as possible?

The Gang Rape -- would you have left the house or stayed to see what you could have done?

The Hmong move in next to you? Are you going to ignore them, sneer at them or befriend them? Though they may be differently cultured if they are not pushing it on you and are obeying the law/not trying to change American culture but preserve some of their own where's the harm?

Because if you're going to say they have to give up their ways and traditions then everyone would have to. That's our way and our Constitution. No more Hmong allowed to live as they want within U.S. law? Then no more Hispanic, Mexican, Polish, Italian, German and on down the line. Imagine all the great festivals that would have to go away.

Now, what if the family next door were Hispanic, how would you answer those questions?

And what if they were American?

And don't through the Islam herring at me. Islam is bent on a global caliphate, openly hostile to America and the West. No comparison whatsoever to this movie.

Nor the "They're Western Culture" at me. This is the U.S. and the law was framed so that each could be himself as long as he is not imposing himself or his belefs on others.

Yes, I agree promote assimilation. But that does not mean you cannot allow a culture to hang on to it's own pieces AS LONG AS THEY ARE NOT TRYING TO USE THEM TO REPLACE OURS.

How you answer the questions I asked would say alot about who you really are and what you really believe I think. In the end Walt sacrifices himself to save others (unlike Islam where they sacrifice themselves to kill others).

I get your concept of culturism and by and large agree with most of it.

But I'd also suggest that, if we are not careful, Culturism would be a really fine thing for bigotry, hate and intolerance to hide behind.

midnight rider said...

By the way, I put the post up because I like the song (and the movie) not because I intended to start a discussion I really don't have time to get into right now :)

Total said...

Well put, MR. Mr. Kowalski's love of his M1 Garand and Ford Gran Torino already earned him an A in my book.

Besides that, he had me at, "We used to stack fucks like you 5 feet high in Korea, use you for sandbags". Best line ever.

midnight rider said...

Total -- I'm kinda fond of that 1911 he carries around, too.

Someday me, a vintage M1 and the money will all be at the same place at the same time.


"Ya ever notice how ya come across somebody once in awhile you shouldn't have fucked with?

That's me"