Monday, August 10, 2009


Yes, indeed, the FACTS CAN BE HEARD!

ObamaCare - Illegals -60s
Obama-care will destroy American freedoms, and here is how:

These facts come directly out of HR 3200, the health care we've all 
heard about.

Page 95, lines 8 through 18 allow the government to hire ACORN
employees to come to your home to solicite you for Obama-Care.

Page 91, lines 4 through 7 mandate all medical facilities to 
to use taxpayer funded translators for dozens of languages


Page 170, lines one through 3 direct American citizens to cover all
aliens, legal and illegal alike - they will be exempt from paying.

ObamaCare - SENIORS - 60s

Page 426, lines one through 3 provide an approved list of end of life resources
to guide seniors through the dying process.

Page 427, line fifteen empowers the government to end treatments dictating 
how and when your life will end.

Page 429, lines one through nine, mandate that seniors regularly meet with
advanced care planning consultants to make them feel guilty about wanting 
to live

Page 354, section 1177 restricts enrollment of special needs children and 
adults into medical plans.

Page 30, section 123 creates an Obama governing committee with the power
to decide what medical benefits and treatments you will be permitted to

Page 127, line 1 through 16 dictate that doctors incomes will be 
controlled by the government which will reduce physicians earnings
and create physician shortages, ultimately leading to heavily rationed
health care.

ObamaCare - ACORN - 30 sec

Page 59, lines 21 through 24 give government bureaucrats access to
your bank account (IRS already has this info) to make you pay 
for what they think you owe for their free health care.

Page 95, lines 8 through 18 allow the government to hire ACORN
employees to come to your home to sign you up for Obama-care.

Here's the text of the bill. Please let me know if any of the above is a distorted or misleading representation of H.R. 3200.