Bethlehem Shops Ban the Cross Due to Growth of Islamic Radicalism
From Gateway Pundit:
Bethlehem shops are selling T-shirts depicting the Church of the Nativity without the cross due to growth of Islamic fundamentalism in the area.

Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem (Farsinet)
Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem (Farsinet)
On April 2, 2002 armed Palestinian Arab terrorists forced their way into the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, one of Christianity's most sacred sites, the birthplace of Christ. In the midst of over 200 nuns and priests, they sought refuge from Operation Defensive Shield, the Israel Defense Forces action against suicide bombing activity originating from West Bank locations. For 38 days, until May 10, 2002, the world watched as the gunmen refused to surrender their positions inside the Church. Only Israeli restraint and respect for the Christian shrine prevented the Palestinian desecration from turning into its destruction.
Read here:-
Alexander Münch,
Yet the Isrealis are deemed as the badguys by many people
Yep, the Israelis are the badies ! Even Mr. Goldstone said so !
My grandpa was told that He was a bad guy back in Europe before Israel was born !
My twins ( A&J) are called names for joining the IDF !...
You see Damien, It runs in our family, I thought it was some kind of dirt that can be washed with soap and water, but it turns to be something MALIGNANT !
Islam is a parasite.
Well put.
Not that it would change anyone's minds, but it might give pause to at least a few people to realize that, just as Israel is now demonized (like no other nation on Earth), Jews were also demonized like no other people on Earth.
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