"At a rally against Islamophobia linked to an attack on a veiled woman on May 20, young protesters have taken this afternoon, violently, to the Commissioner of Argenteuil, as well as a other responsible local police.Thirty young people surrounded the two police officers and have dealt their punches and kicks. The police had to be exfiltrated in the town hall.Earlier, the deputy mayor of Argenteuil, Philippe Doucet, had come to explain to a crowd of a thousand people. Heckled and booed, he had escorted back to the mayor.By late afternoon, the lawn of the Town Hall was still occupied by protesters. "
Clearly, France needs more Moderate Policing.
A "full covered" niqab woman was stopped for identity purposes by cops in Argenteuil (France), when suddenly a mob of Muslims assaulted the cops. The situation went quickly out of control (cops had to leave the scene and come back with special units). Muslims mobbed the area after postings on Twitter, Facebook and other social media, urged all muslim people in the area of Argenteuil to come and protest against police.Des heurts ont éclaté lors la femme, en voile intégral, a été contrôlée par la police.Google translate:Argenteuil clashes with police after the control of a woman niqabBy LEXPRESS.fr, published on 6/12/2013While the police proceeded to the identity of the woman in niqab control a crowd formed and degenerated into clashes with police.
Argenteuil clashes with police after the control of a woman niqabClashes erupted when the woman, in full sail, was controlled by the police.REUTERS / Pascal RossignolAn identity that goes wrong control. Clashed Tuesday night police and bystanders in Argenteuil, Val-d'Oise, after control of a woman wearing the full veil, said on Wednesday a source familiar with the matter. While the police proceeded to the identity of this woman control a crowd formed and degenerated into clashes with police, the source said.300 women verbalized in a yearThe law of 11 October 2010 prohibits hide her face in the public space. Violation of this prohibition is punishable by a maximum fine of 150 euros. One year after the entry into force of this Act, April 11, 2011, about 300 women had been fined.On May 20, a young woman wearing the hijab (veil covering the hair but revealing the face) was attacked on her way home in Argenteuil. President of the National Observatory against Islamophobia, Abdallah Zekri announced its desire to become a civil party in the case.WithWarning moderation.The content of this article may give rise to unacceptable comments on our site. All messages will be moderated racist, and the author be liable to banishment. For the good performance of the debate, thank you to discuss in courtesy and respect for others. If you think a comment violate the charter, thank you for the report rather than respond and escalate the conversation.
Daughter #2 has been in Paris & environs this past week with her boyfriend. Have only had limited communications from her and nothing since Tuesday so it will be interesting to see what she has to report tomorrow.
I wonder if it is easy enough to not hear anything about all this. That's my guess.
Hope your daughter and her boyfriend are safe. Touristy areas are well protected with plenty of police presence.
The rest of Paris is, quite frankly, sh*t.
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