Tuesday, November 19, 2013

And now for something completely different. . .

I know that I've been given to bragging about our High School Marching Band and Orchestra. And the size of our music program overall.

Today is no different.

So here's our marching band at their homecoming game a few weeks ago, playing, singing and dancing.

Yep, they wear black tuxedos as their marching uniform.

Keep in mind the camera angle was not wide enough to capture the whole band at once, but you'll get the idea.

And while this may not seem the usual fare for these pages, what could be more American, More Infidel, than the Friday Night Lights of a high school football game and the half time show?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I so very much miss the days 2003/2004 state champs when my two oldest were involved in marching band. Like you, there was a great deal of pride and dedication to this underappreciated sophisticated yet physically challenging sport.
Enjoy it . . .and congratulations on energetic and highly entertaining performance.