Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Barry Bonds, 73*, Sammy Sosa, 66*, Barack Obama, 2 Term President … *

So we have this NY Post story reporting that a solid source inside the Census Bureau who does the interviewing for the Labor Dept to establish the unemployment rates, has told them jobless data was LITERALLY made up to show lower unemployment and give cause to garner enough votes to win the election(as if totally lying about the effects of 
****O B A M A C A R E**** 
was not enough). Since Obama wants everyone to call it ACA now, this is how I will refer to it in perpetuity.

****O B A M A C A R E****

So Jay Carney …well ..
“That story is obviously misleading. I think a lot of people shed a lot of credibility engaging in conspiracy theories last fall about, you know, rigged jobs numbers,” Carney said Tuesday in response to a question from ABC News’ Jonathan Karl.
Carney argued the jobs numbers “certainly didn’t feel like they were helping us” at the time, including one month where there were zero jobs created in August 2011 only to be revised to 100,000 jobs.
“So, there’s nothing to any of this?” Karl pressed.
“Absolutely not,” Carney responded.
Naturally we take Mr. Ziegler’s uhhh, Mr. Carney’s word in this.
With every passing day, the way the dissimulation, and lies, spin out into a story about THEM, and then spur more questions which cause more lies and dissimulation, I am reminded of Judge John SIrica, and what unfolded from July 1972-1974.
Today we find out that the mechanism to take, and transfer payments from the client thru the website and to the insurance companies does not even exist, and must be built.
These people had NO BUSINESS INTRODUCING THIS ENTIRE EFFORT EVEN AFTER 3 1/2 YEARS. This is the Union Army heading up Marye’s Heights at Fredicksburg.
It could NEVER succeed and everyone knew it, or was so stupid they should have all been fired


Anonymous said...

But what do you expect from mindless minorities that have been taught all their lives that
"The Man" owes it to them, and there IS such thing as a free lunch?

Anonymous said...

Up until five years ago there used to be a first world countries called the United States of America...

Now it just sounds like American colonists are stuck with King George once again.


Anonymous said...

"first world country*"...


Pastorius said...

The good ole UTWSoA.