Saturday, November 09, 2013

Anti Israeli “BDS Movement” Putting Yellow Stickers On Israeli Products

From Ynet:

Remind you of anything?


Anonymous said...

They're just making it easier for folks like me to buy those very products. FREE MARKETING!

I'd be the first ones to buy these "Boycott Israel" products if I saw them. Just like, God forbid, if it happened again that Jews were singled out by being forced to wear "bands" I'd hope to be one of the first, if not the first to stand up for them.

The world is fast spiraling out of control with hatred against Jews now accepted as a matter of fact.

Shame on all those who sit by and do nothing or passively accept it because "it doesn't affect them" personally.


Epaminondas said...

In fact I would put those Krystallnacht stickers in the window along with the yellow one.

Maybe with a nice sticker of a white sheeted moron as well.

Anonymous said...

"Maybe with a nice sticker of a white sheeted moron as well."



Anonymous said...

how can you compare this to 1938? Just because its yellow?
Some of my jewish friends from tel aviv are also very critical with their gouvernement there and it has nothing to do with the community in general. Just about wrong political decisions they can make out there, that's all about. I would buy also these product but we have to admit that to let it go with the constant new colonisation there, against the international decisions and the OTAN, wont be a good thing for sure..