Tuesday, February 04, 2014

NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio To Close Public Schools For Islamic Holidays

A Pack of Wild Muslims Celebrates the Mayor's Decision

From the New York Daily News:
New York City is moving to close school for two Muslim holidays and the Lunar New Year — but Mayor de Blasio isn’t so sure about the Hindu festival Diwali. 
Appearing on WNYC’s “Brian Lehrer Show” on Monday, the mayor said he hadn’t taken a position on whether Diwali, the festival of lights celebrated in India and other South Asian countries, should be a day off from school. 
But he said he’d move forward with closing schools for Lunar New Year and for Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, Muslim holy days. 
“It is complicated in terms of logistics and school calendar and budget. But it’s something I want to get done in a reasonable time frame,” he said. 
A spokesman for the Indian community appealed to the mayor to recognize the Hindu holiday. 
“We are disappointed. We’ve been trying for a long time … It’s very important for the community,” said Dr. Shashi Shah of the Association of Indians in America.


Anonymous said...

"We are disappointed. We’ve been trying for a long time … It’s very important for the community"

Well start blowing shit up like a bunch of animals and yelling as loud as you can and I'm sure dear mayor will give you a day off too.

On a side note: NYC deserves the politician they voted for. But I'm sure the libs in NYC don't mind spreading their cheeks for Muslim neanderthals.


Pastorius said...

Yes, they do. Unfortunately the only difference between de blasio and Obama is Obama is better at appearing mainstream.

America voted for this shit. We deserve it.

Anonymous said...

The article doesn't clarify which 'two' muslim holidays. One could presume The first day of ramadan and eid as those two appear to be followed by every islamic sect. If, however, ashura were to be one of the holidays . . .it could provide a very educational out-of-school lesson.

Epaminondas said...

And Sikh, and Buddhist, and most of all what about Bokonon?

Pastorius said...

Mohammed's dick is corkscrew-shaped and it smells like bacon.
--- Ayisha, testifying in court as a witness for the prosecution in the trial, the People vs. Mohammed, charge Child Molestation, rape, and sodomy.