Monday, March 16, 2015

Atlantic Magazine Runs Feature Article Asking, "Is It Time For Jews to Leave Europe?

From the Atlantic:
For half a century, memories of the Holocaust inoculated the Continent against overt anti-Semitism. That period has ended—the recent fatal attacks in Paris and Copenhagen are merely the latest in a mounting tide. Today, right-wing fascist strains of Jew-hatred are merging with a new threat from radicalized Islamists, confronting Europe with a crisis, and its Jews with an agonizing choice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OTOH: Charges brought against 13 members of the pro-Iran Saudi Hizballah early five years after a powerful truck bomb ripped through a U.S. military housing complex in Saudi Arabia – killing 19 Americans and wounding 372 – terrorism charges have been brought against 13 members of the pro-Iran Saudi Hizballah, or “Party of God.” Another, as yet unidentified, person who is linked to the Lebanese Hizballah has also been charged in the attack.

According to the indictment returned today by a Federal Grand Jury in Alexandria, Virginia, nine of the fourteen are charged with 46 separate criminal counts including: conspiracy to kill Americans and employees of the United States, to use weapons of mass destruction, and to destroy U.S. property; bombing; and murder. The five others are each charged with five conspiracy counts. The indictment alleges that the conspiracy was driven by the motive to expel Americans from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Charged with all counts are: Ahmed Al-Mughassil, also known as Abu Omran; Ali Al-Houri; Hani Al-Sayegh; Ibrahim Al-Yacoub; Abdel Karim Al-Nasser; Mustafa Al-Qassab; Abdallah Al-Jarash; Hussein Al-Mughis; and the unidentified Lebanese, listed as “John Doe.” The remaining five — Sa’ed Al-Bahar, Saleh Ramadan, Ali Al-Marhoun, Mustafa Al-Mu’alem and Fadel Al-Alawe — are named in the five conspriracy counts.