Saturday, July 13, 2019

$180 TRILLION DOLLARS: The Greatest Attempt At Mass Bribery In History

We’re currently witnessing one of the greatest attempts at mass bribery in history. With each passing week the Democrats running for the 2020 nomination offer yet another bribe for winning more votes. 
The most recent is Senator Kamala Harris’s $100 billion dollar plan for black home ownership. But this is child’s play compared to everything else the Democrats have either proposed or endorsed. 
Consider the 10-year cost estimates for some of the major plans that most, if not all, of the potential 2020 nominees have already embraced: 
Medicare for All, otherwise known as socialized medicine, is $32.6 trillion. 
The Green New Deal, also known as coercive environmental socialism, is $93 trillion. 
Universal basic income, in which people would become paid wards of the state, is $38 trillion. 
Slavery reparations would cost $14 trillion, but once that Pandora’s box is opened, where do you actually draw the line and decide who would get money and why? 
As for erasing college debt and free college, that’s about $2.4 trillion in the first decade—which counts as “modest” in this context. 
The cost of all of those plans combined in the first 10 years is $180 trillion. That’s just one decade.

The Last English Prince comments:
I disagree with the premise regarding the root reason for these proposals. Each proposal creates occult financial opportunities for those who wield power. Each one opens up opportunity for income generation (who doesn't want to "consult" for $1,000 dollars an hour?), including the side perks of jetting off to desirable vacation locales to attend "summits", stay in the best hotels, network for the best colleges for the children within the Beltway super zips, etc. 
Throw in write-offs for home office, vehicles, meals and anything related to "business travel". This is about robbing from the tax-payer till on grand scale. 
I am not against the government involved in the official business on behalf of the nation. I oppose the Ponzi scams embedded within these financial structures which promise instant political gratification to the detriment of future generations of Americans.


Anonymous said...

Will it work?

Pastorius said...

I think it will ultimately. But I also think we will have four more years of Trump.

thelastenglishprince said...

I disagree with the premise regarding the root reason for these proposals. Each proposal creates occult financial opportunities for those who wield power. Each one opens up opportunity for income generation (who doesn't want to "consult" for $1,000 dollars an hour?), including the side perks of jetting off to desirable vacation locales to attend "summits", stay in the best hotels, network for the best colleges for the children within the Beltway super zips, etc. Throw in right-offs for home office, vehicles, meals and anything related to "business travel". This is about robbing from the tax-payer till on grand scale.

I am not against the government involved in the official business on behalf of the nation. I oppose the Ponzi scams embedded within these financial structures which promise instant political gratification to the detriment of future generations of Americans.

thelastenglishprince said...

Errr... "write-offs". Caffeine not on board yet. Fourteen hours at work yesterday. smiling
