Wednesday, October 07, 2020

Doctors Announce That Trump Has No Coronavirus Symptoms


President Trump's physician, Dr. Sean Conley, announced Tuesday afternoon the president "reports no symptoms" of the coronavirus after doctors discharged Trump from Walter Reed National Military Medical Center the previous evening -- meanwhile, White House Physician Jesse Schonau said that Vice President Pence continues to test negative for the coronavirus and "does not need to quarantine." 
The positive health prognoses for the president and vice president come less than a month before Election Day and on the eve of the vice presidential debate scheduled for Wednesday night in Salt Lake City, Utah. 
"This morning the President's team of physicians met with him in the Residence. He had a restful first night at home, and today he reports no symptoms," Conley wrote in a memo to White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, who herself has tested positive for the coronavirus. 
"Vital signs and physical exam remain stable, with an ambulatory oxygen saturation level of 95-97%. Overall he continues to do extremely well, I will provide updates as we know more." 
Meanwhile, the Democrats are preparing a Press Release in which they articulate their condemnation of Trump for "not allowing it to dominate him", and their nomination of the Coronavirus for the Nobel Prize for Medicine.


revereridesagain said...

They hate him so much for beating this thing and throwing it in their faces -- it's like the proverbial earth opening up and black bats flying out. His lightning fast recovery exposes all their lockdown b.s. for the massive illegal power play it is and they are falling all over themselves trying to reinforce the restrictions with their lame "resurgence" excuses.

Pete Rowe said...


Always On Watch said...

And the Dems are crying, "'Roid rage!"

Damn. The Left never quits.