Wednesday, October 07, 2020

DNI John Ratcliffe Declassifies Brennan's Notes Regarding Hillary Clinton Plan to Plant "Russia Collusion" Conspiracy Theory -- to Distract from Hillary Clinton's Server/Email Scandal


Note that this isn't confirmation that Hillary Clinton created this fiction in order to distract from her own very real feeding of US intelligence to Russia, through her illegal, unsecured Toilet Server.

But it's very, very close to that.

This story is about the head of the CIA personally briefing the president of Russian intelligence reporting that Hillary Clinton was preparing to smear Trump with the Russia Collusion conspiracy theory to distract from her own real national security scandal.

The fact that Russian intelligence is reporting this doesn't make the claim true.

But here's something that maybe does:

Why would the head of the CIA personally brief President Obama about this upcoming planned smear if the intelligence were known to not be credible?

That is, you don't go in to personally brief the president about any intelligence, both the jewels and the garbage.

You personally brief the president about intelligence that has the hallmarks of veracity -- or which is known to be true.

So: Brennan and Obama knew that the Russians weren't out to lunch, here. They knew the Russians had collected intelligence which was accurate. And that intelligence was that Hillary created a false smear to offset her own national security liabilities.

Otherwise -- why bother briefing Obama about "intelligence" known to be pure horseshit?

No. This was briefed precisely because Obama and Brennan knew that this was in fact Hillary Clinton's plan.


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