Sunday, December 20, 2020

Pompeo confirms Russia WAS behind cyber attack on US that one Congressman compared to Pearl Harbor – as experts say infected networks must be ‘burned to the ground’ and Senator labels it an ‘act of war’


Pompeo confirms Russia WAS behind cyber attack on US that one Congressman compared to Pearl Harbor – as experts say infected networks must be ‘burned to the ground’ and Senator labels it an ‘act of war’ 
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has become the first U.S. official to publicly attribute a massive hacking campaign to Russia, after broad swathes of the federal government and private sector were revealed to be compromised. 
‘This was a very significant effort, and I think it’s the case that now we can say pretty clearly that it was the Russians that engaged in this activity,’ Pompeo told The Mark Levin Show on Friday. 
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman has denied Kremlin involvement, and the Russian embassy said in a statement that the country ‘does not conduct offensive operations in the cyber domain.’ 

LOL Yeah right. 

The sprawling attack, which went undetected for nearly nine months, compromised the Departments of Homeland Security, Justice, Treasury, State and Energy, as well as a growing list of companies and local governments across the country. 
‘The situation is developing, but the more I learn this could be our modern day, cyber equivalent of Pearl Harbor,’ said Rep. Jason Crow, a Colorado Democrat, in a tweet on Friday (center). 
‘Our nation is under assault. This cyberattack could be the largest in our history,’ he added, before slamming President Donald Trump for his lack of public response to the cyber attack. 
Senator Chris Coon (right), a Delaware Democrat, told MSNBC: ‘It’s pretty hard to distinguish this from an act of aggression that rises to the level of an attack that qualifies as war.’

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