Friday, November 05, 2021

Archbishop Vigano on Agenda 21 and the creation of a global tyranny

This man will go down in history as a hero, a true champion of Human Rights.

1 comment:

revereridesagain said...

Something I've learned from all this is that the people best listened to are those who came here from totalitarian states -- from the USSR, Mao's China, North Korea, Castro's Cuba, Venezuela, anyplace ruled by Islam. These people do not speculate or predict, they remember. They have already lived through the political nightmare they see coming.

Before the Enlightenment, in the Dark and Middle Age, the Roman Catholic Church held such power wherever it ruled that anyone who declined to believe in its mythology was also subject to such threats and controls. You do not have to persuade a thoughtful cleric such as this that what he sees approaching is another Dark Age, one in which his church will be a victim along with the rest of us.