Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Kristen Manwaring: 56-year-old Upstate New York cop gets double vaxxed after dad dies of so-called COVID, has biopsy months later, dies in hospital

Kristen Manwaring: 56-year-old Upstate New York cop gets double vaxxed after dad dies of so-called COVID, has biopsy months later, dies in hospital. 
Mrs. Manwaring said her father died of so-called COVID-19 on March 5, 2021. She ended the post with “Please get your vaccine. COVID-19 is real.” 
A few days later, she acknowledged all of her friends sending “I got my vaccine” photos. 
Then things turned for the worst. 
“I will fight this and win”.



revereridesagain said...

Our local senior center is offering the 4th Moderna boosters free next week. I regret having gotten the first two jabs and want nothing to do with the worse-than-useless follow ups.

Pastorius said...

I am glad they didn't negatively affect you.

Let's be honest, it is not that common for people to be negatively affected.

My testicles swelled up for a couple of days when I got the J&J shot.

And I had a friend who died after his first shot of either Pfizer or Moderna.

But other than that, I don't know anyone who has had trouble.

Always On Watch said...

My one J&J shot has left me with respiratory issues. My sister-in-law has noticed over the phone, long before I told her.

I can live with these issues -- if they don't get any worse. But I'm concerned about worse and will not get a booster if I can at all avoid doing so.

Always On Watch said...

My testicles swelled up for a couple of days when I got the J&J shot.

YE, GODS! Fertility issues remaining? I'm not expecting you to answer in a public forum.

Pastorius said...

I wouldn't know. My wife doesn't want any more kids anyway.