Friday, June 30, 2023

Will Muslims Put an End To The Gender Wars?

Vlad Tepes Blog writes:

We believe that the Muslims will ultimately end the Gender dialectic assault on our children and culture in schools. This is because they do in fact use lethal force to make their point and quite frequently and with the results they want. 
Terrorism works. That is why people do it. Blasphemy against Islam is pretty much illegal across the Western world now, and in part because of deadly attacks by Muslims against those who believe freedom of speech is a device for keeping religious authority in check. 
As we have seen three protests in Ottawa alone now by Muslims at school boards two weeks in a row, and parliament hill, it was expected that something like the following would happen.  
The left is desperate to maintain the narrative that Islam is an oppressed group and therefore part of the covered wagon circle against our greater culture and civilization. So it presents a real dilemma to the left. But Islam ...


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