Saturday, September 02, 2023

In Canada, Catholic Churches Are Being Burned Down Due to a Mass Genocide of Indigenous Children That... Never... Even... Happened

From Ace:

For two years, the left and "Indigenous activist" radicals have claimed that the detection of "anomalies" by ground-penetrating radar near a residential school that taught Indigenous children must indicate mass graves that had strangely never been reported -- and had in fact never even been rumored.

As more and more Catholic churches were put to the torch, bastard spawn of genocidal tyrant Fidel Castro Justin "Trudeau" encouraged and justified the violence, saying he "understood" the "frustration."

And during all this time: No one actually bothered to dig to see if there really were corpses buried at the school.

Almost as if they strongly suspected there were no corpses, but wanted to continue the lie for as long as possible to extract more race-based benefits from the Communist Canadian government and justify more violence against Christians.

Well, they finally started putting shovels into the ground. I guess two years of allegations with a studios determination not to prove those allegations started to smell a little suspect.

And you'll never guess what they didn't find.


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