Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Celia Farber on The New Developments Around Trump: RFK Jr. Joins Forces With MAGA; Tells America The Truth About Slow Genocide By Poison, To Roaring MAGA Crowd; AND Trump Says He Will Release JFK Files


Cynics, you’ll have your day. But today belongs to the believers. Hillary’s “basket of deplorable,” after all, are “MAGA,” not the man only—Donald Trump. He is the force that brought them (us) from invisibility to visibility. For this reason, I refrain from Trump dismissal/disdain because I refuse to dismiss myself and so many countless millions who are like cockroaches to the DNC, the billionaire globalist communist set. Please don’t accuse me of being “duped” by Trump. His flock is the story. The crowd is the story—always. 

We will deal with everything, including “Warp Speed.” Nothing is beyond transfiguration and redemption, if we just keep our wits about us. 

What is it that “believers” believed in? 

Something that transcends the vast collection of reasons not to believe in anything. 

I’m not among those who kept the flag in sight. I was depleted, flagging, running on empty— had lost all sense of north, south, east west. I had no idea what might possibly happen that could possibly be good. On the horizon I saw only unbridled DNC criminality and narcissistic cult propaganda.

The miracle is called the “miracle” because it has no runway, no path that makes it plausible. 

I consider this a miracle. 

I think it is possible Donald Trump will open his eyes to the whole, horrific truth about “vaccines” including the one he considers one of his greatest achievements—the worst of them all. 

All I Know

The Pharma-woke DNC Monkey Pox Covid HIV cabal is in misery right now. I've been waiting for a moment like this for a very very long time, (35 plus years) and am going to jubilate even at the risk of being mocked and scolded. 

I think Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s speech was electrifying: For its realness, its exactingness, and lack of all performative deflection, euphemism, or self-serving theatrics. 

It was quietly Scorched Earth. 

I felt a sense of God’s choreography in it all. 

I think the “It’s all part of the plan, they’re all in on it together” argument has been delivered a body blow, maybe a death blow. But those people will absolutely never take yes for an answer. They permit no optimism or enthusiasm. 

Both Trump and RFK Jr. remain irredeemable in their eyes. 

Me, I’m beginning to see something I never saw before. A story that goes so far back, its seeds planted so long ago. 

Who, and what, killed JFK?

Who, and what killed Robert F. Kennedy? 

What does this have to do with this moment, this election? 

Maybe: Everything.

“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”
Genesis 50-20 NIV


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