Thursday, August 15, 2024

Now That the Democrat Media Regime Has Successfully Executed Another Coup Against a Sitting President, the NYT Can Report: Hunter Did Peddle Influence for Overseas Patrons, and the WH Covered It Up

Just four short years ago, we were all assured by the Protection Racket Media that the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation, and that allegations of influence-peddling by the Bidens were just political dirty tricks, right? Right? Wrong. The New York Times' Ken Vogel reports that Hunter's efforts to sell influence within the administration were well known during Joe Biden's term as Vice President. It's even about Burisma, the company that we were told paid Hunter a lot of money for his energy-industry expertise. Advertisement

Oh, and the records of it got "withheld" by the Biden administration for "years," too:

Hunter Biden sought assistance from the U.S. government for a potentially lucrative energy project in Italy while his father was vice president, according to newly released records and interviews.

The records, which the Biden administration had withheld for years, indicate that Hunter Biden wrote at least one letter to the U.S. ambassador to Italy in 2016 seeking assistance for the Ukrainian gas company Burisma, where he was a board member.

Well, we did have records in October 2020. Hunter Biden kept records of these dealings on his laptop, which he abandoned in a repair shop. When the New York Post reported on the contents of the laptop, including a number of emails that made clear he leveraged his fathers office to sell influence at Burisma and elsewhere, the media ignored it -- even though one of Hunter's partners (Tony Bobulinski) publicly authenticated the messages when asked.

Nearly four years later, the NYT gets around to the truth. And if you're questioning the timing, you have good company, because Vogel appears to be somewhat curious about it as well:

The department's release of documents to The New York Times came shortly after President Biden dropped out of the presidential race, and as his son prepares to stand trial next month on charges of evading taxes on millions of dollars in income from Burisma and other foreign businesses.

Go figure again! It's as if the cover-up extended as long as Joe Biden had electoral interests to protect. Now that Biden has pulled out of the race, there's no need to keep covering up for Biden Inc....



Two days ago, I appeared on the Alex Jones Show. I explained to Mr Jones that to me it looked as if there were at least two coups underway at the White House — possibly three. Clearly the Harris team had taken out of play the Biden team, and now, it seemed, with a bizarre interview by Nancy Pelosi distancing herself from President Biden, it appeared that the Schumer/Pelosi/Obama team was distancing themselves from and gunning (metaphorically) for the Biden and Harris teams.

You remember from my essay here, “Lady MacBiden”, which I wrote shortly after the assassination attempt against Pres Trump, that I warned readers of this Substack that there would be a coup. I warned that it was likely to be related to evidence of a crime committed by the Biden family. I speculated about Mrs Biden and Hunter — and later I warned that the letter of resignation that “President Biden” posted on Twitter, did not have FEC disclaimers required by law by candidates and I warned that the autopen signature looked different from the signature on the letter.

Well, you are welcome. Ex-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi herself confirmed on Aug 11, 2024 — almost a month after I issued this set of warnings — that the letter “did not sound like” President Biden. And I was right, too, about the alleged crimes committed by the Biden family: The New York Times revealed yesterday that the State Department, after a delay of months, had belatedly responded to the newspapers’ FOIA request by releasing documents confirming that Hunter Biden had unlawfully solicited help from the State Department for his Ukrainian company Burisma — without registering with FARA.

The fact that the White House retained and retained these documents for months after receiving a FOIA request from “the Paper of Record”, and then released them this week, shows me that the Biden family is no longer in power, and that there will be more and more damning documents released, and more and more distancing of others at high levels away from the Biden family, as the campaign gears up. It is also my bet that the Harris/Walz ticket won’t be the final Democratic ticket. The people who managed to take Biden out of the running, are entirely able to take the catastrophically unlikeable Harris out of the running.

All this being said: I described this crimes of the Harris family two days ago on Alex Jones, on a video that I can no longer easily find by searching. Half an hour after it aired, I received a notification when I tried to log into “X”, that I had violated copyright and had 48 hours to fill out a form, or else I would be suspended. I went through all of the ‘X Support’ prompts, finally to be told by “X Support” that there was nothing I could do to re-gain my X account, with its 420,000 followers. Sorry.

Now, when I try to log into my account, “X” has no memory of me and no record of my email. People who can see my “X” account say that my face has been removed and my name, replaced by a blank head and shoulder icon, and that all my posts are posted by “dot”{. As in “. posted on August 11, 2024.”

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