Saturday, May 30, 2020

Something Very Odd Is Going On

Watch how this police officer calmly fires pepper bullets at a reporter while she is live on air.
Watch how this policeman, with a surreal clam, put his knee on the neck of George Floyd, while George Floyd pleads for his life, and other policemen stand calmly by, doing nothing, even to the point of the death of George Floyd.

Everyone is calm.

In this video, a man, who some have, in retrospect, identified as a police officer (I will not name him, but it is simple enough to google this event and you will find the evidence) is filmed proceeding with the same surreal calm, walking up and calmly breaking the windows of an Auto Zone.

These people are not angry, excited, in distress, being threatened, or even particularly energetic about what they are doing.

Instead, they are dispassionately going about shooting at reporters, murdering a black man for no reason, and breaking windows, as if they are taking part in a tactical maneuver for which they have been well-trained.

I'm not saying that is what this is.

I am merely saying THAT IS WHAT IT APPEARS TO BE.

As I have said before, some Police are Pension-Swilling Union Orcs. It's a big assumption to make that some police might be in on fomenting revolution, but we do know that hardcore Unionists have often been hardcore Communists.

More and more, I am thinking what we are witnessing is not a series of events, one following another in a chain of anger and outrage piled atop one another.

Instead this appears to be an outright planned Communist Revolution.

Their goal had been to Long March us into a soft Revolution, but the anti-Globalist/pro-Nationalist pressure from Trump, as well as the fact that their Impeachment scam is being unmasked, has caused them to feel as if they have to rush the process.


CNN Crew Arrested on the Street While Covering Minneapolis Mass Riots (VIDEO)


Minneapolis Mayor Says, “We Have to Make Sure Our Businesses Are Safe and Secure” After 4th Night of Mass Looting – 170 Businesses Damaged, Destroyed (VIDEO)



As Police Station Goes Up in Flames, Minneapolis Mayor Frey Accuses Trump of ‘Weakness’ in Response to President’s Threat to Bring in National Guard to Stop Riots


Friendly Reminder: Soros Funded Violent Ferguson Protest Movement and Paid Black Lives Matter Protesters




This is very interesting though. Black people protesting telling white people to stop instigating and leaving black people to take the fall out for it. THIS, has meaning. The evidence that these riots are by far left violent white groups, most likely ANTIFA, is growing by the second. Please find comments in today’s Reader’s Links by Plona. Many videos showing that its likely white people doing the worst of it and leaving black areas destroyed and black residents to take the heat for it.


Anonymous said...

Looks like the whites involved in the mayhem are either instigating or virtue signaling. White dude pictured on RT thumbnail has ANTIFA medallion in plain site but he's white so MN mayor / governor can say the riots are instigated by white nationals and Trump!

Media amplifies and the anti-Trump line with no care in the world what madness they are about to mid-wife.

Waiting for Biden to crawl up his hole and exclaim: "if you ain't lootin' you ain't Black" or something stupid like that.

Seriously, the shooting war is about to start. Chose sides and allies wisely. And pray.

thelastenglishprince said...

Perhaps some of us, are genuinely sorrowful, angry, and cannot wrap our heads around the murder of George Floyd. This is without any affiliation, agenda, or desire for chaos.

For myself, I see a touch of what it means to be human when others send up a cry to heaven regarding George Floyd.

In the videos of his murder there is no overt act of physical violence. There is deadly calm, as he states he cannot breathe, and witnesses ask the policeman to please cease his activities. Deadly calm, as he lies unconscious on the pavement.

Evil - can dress like a nun.

I have not joined a protest. But were I to do so, it would be for sake of humanity in general. No label. Just "Tammy".

revereridesagain said...

Has anyone else seen this and do you know if it's legit? It claims to date from 2014 during or after the Ebola virus "emergency" which resulted in 9 cases and 2 deaths in the US. However, much of it sounds like a description of life today, not just a speculative projection.

Pastorius said...

Sounds like a lot of wild speculation to me.

Did he ever get around to presenting any evidence?

revereridesagain said...

No, aside from waving that "Rockefeller Foundation" paper around. There are some vague references to 9/11 that make me smell "conspiracy theorist", but the specificity with which that description of projected events is eerie.

Pastorius said...

Yeah. I agree. It is eery.

Event 201 was eerie too.