Sunday, October 11, 2020

UPDATE - SUSPECT IS LOCAL NEWS REPORTER AND BODYGUARD - Antifa Cheers in the Streets After One of Their Peers Shoots and Kills a Trump Supporter in Denver

“One less white f-cking supremacist! F-ck yeah! Right in the f-cking dome! F-ck yeah,” an extremist shouts in the shocking and horrific footage.

If these protests are so peaceful, why does the Media needs bodyguards?


The purpose of the event in Denver last night was, ostensibly, a "Canned Food Drive", organized by BLM and Antifa to feed the homeless.


thelastenglishprince said...

It gets worse. The shooter was a Pinkerton Security guard hired by a television crew to protect THEM.

Somalia in America. Thank you, Ilhan Omar!

I imagine the guard did not understand his rules of engagement. And the television station will be facing a massive lawsuit. Pinkerton will have the deeper pocket. Let the real games begin.

It is all just so senseless, when we live in a Republic and have due process for the resolution of our problems.

thelastenglishprince said...

We should be concerned.