Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Document Released to CBS Shows Circular Reporting and Links Between Obama’s Deep State and Fake News Media During the Trump-Russia Coup


CBS has obtainted a 94-page Excel spreadsheet showing the many connections between the FBI, Christopher Steele and the media. 
The Daily Caller reports: 
A newly declassified FBI document shows what steps the bureau took to try to verify the infamous Steele dossier, which accused the Trump campaign of conspiring with Russia. 
The document, a 94-page spreadsheet, shows that investigators relied heavily on open source information, including from news articles, as evidence to support some of the allegations in the dossier, which former British spy Christopher Steele compiled on behalf of the DNC and Clinton campaign. 
The spreadsheet, which was first published by CBS News reporter Catherine Herridge, also cites information from other government agencies regarding some of Steele’s claims. 
The spreadsheet obtained by Herridge includes the following: 
The spreadsheet repeatedly cites an article published on Sept. 23, 2016 regarding Carter Page’s alleged meeting in July 2016 with two Kremlin insiders. Steele and the author of that article, Michael Isikoff, have since acknowledged that Steele was the primary source for that story. 
The FBI did not disclose that Steele was Isikoff’s source in either the spreadsheet or the surveillance applications against Carter Page. 
The Conservative Treehouse has this take on the news of the spreadsheet: 
Former SSCI staffer Dan Jones, former Wall Street Journal reporter Glenn Simpson, and Simpson’s crew at Fusion-GPS, pitched and planted phony Trump-Russia evidence with the media and simultaneously gave those fake points to Chris Steele to supplement the dossier. 
Using the same method of Ezra Klein’s “JournOList” replication, Dan Jones and Fusion-GPS paid the journalists to run the stories. Steele then used the same information from Jones and Fusion in his Dossier and cited the planted media reports; as evidence to substantiate. 
The Dossier is then provided to the FBI. The journalists then provide *indulgences* to the FBI as part of the collaboration. 
The FBI, specifically Lisa Page, Peter Strzok and public information office Mike Kortan, then leak the outcomes of the FBI Dossier investigative processes to the same media that have reported on the originating material. 
It is all a big circle of planting and laundering the same originating false material; aka a “wrap up smear.”


I used to be in the Advertising business. At one point, my job was Account Executive with an Advertising and Marketing Agency. 

Sometimes my clients would be beginning a new initiative, bringing a new product, or service to the market. At that point, we would not only create a new advertising campaign, but we would take advantage of the newness to create buzz in the media. 

I was not the creative guy at the agency. I am no artist. However, I am a conceptualizer and a writer. So it would be left to me to write Press Releases, which would garner attention in Print media, and radio, etc. 

I can't tell you how many times the media would take what I wrote, and use it word for word as copy. A few times they took my Press Release and ran it as an article WITH MY NAME ON IT, as if I was a staff writer for the LA Times. 

So it doesn't surprise me, at all, that the media would allow itself to be used in this manner, especially since we  know they hate Trump. The fact is, this kind of behavior is normal for the media. And, if the circular reporting and slavishness serves to promote their brand of hatred and division, then all the better.

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