Wednesday, October 14, 2020

REPORT: Bill Barr’s ‘Unmasking’ Probe Into Obama Officials Concludes without Charges

 If this is true, should Bill Barr not be tried and hung?

I mean, what is he saying, that the Unmasking was done by mistake?

Is that even an excuse?

REPORT: Bill Barr’s ‘Unmasking’ Probe Into Obama Officials Concludes without Charges


thelastenglishprince said...

It is possible that the need to not trouble the Republic has allowed for private agreements: Do not trouble us anymore, exile and marginalize yourselves, do not collect a dime in consulting, speeches, etc. Go away... unless you want to be an "idiot whisperer" over on NetFlix.

What is behind the curtain may be more interesting than any reading of an indictment.

Always On Watch said...

Disappointment here, but I always suspected the the Clinton Political Machine would triumph.


Anonymous said...

OT (somewhat)
1)Nicholas Noe (@scienceismymuse) is publishing promised transcripts proving Obama & Biden knew of bin Laden's was in #Iran.
"there's no doubt, he's in Iran"
"... he is being protected by us. We don't really want to get him... he basically made a deal"
2)"Panetta told him, 'focus on North Korea only""he said 'do not pursue bin Laden in Iran'"

PARROT: "my team members have met bin Laden six times inside Iran. We have

repeatedly notified the US gov... we were first ignored, then obstructed, and then we were threatened."

3)ETTINGER: "... he told me that he knew recently that Bin Laden was in northern

Iran... he told people at the Embassy, and they ignored him."

4) Non-disclosure for info leading to the capture of Bin Laden between CIA whistleblower Alan Howell Parrot, Congressman Weldon & Biden's attorney Brian S. Ettinger "information including the circumstances of [Osama bin Laden's] status and captivity in Iran" Credit: @Annakhait

5) Quoting@Annakhait: Non-disclosure AGREEMENT leading to the capture of

Bin Laden between CIA whistleblower Alan Howell Parrot, Congressman Weldon & Biden's attorney Brian S. Ettinger "information including the circumstances of [Osama bin Laden's] status and captivity in Iran"

6) Parrot's letters to Biden & Ettinger asking why intelligence on Osama Bin Laden is being ignored while operatives are being killed.

Highlighted sections indicate bin Laden's stay in Iran & the Obama/Biden admin knowingly ignoring this information.

7) Quoting Anna Khait: "Proof the information on Osama bin Laden sent by Alan Parrot was received by VP Joe Biden"

Question: "Why was the Obama administration working with Iran to protect bin Laden?"

Let Anna Khait's question sink in & think about how many people were killed.