Saturday, October 10, 2020

“You’ve Got to Usher Out God to Usher in Immorality – And That’s What’s Happening” – Jason Whitlock (Partner on Godless BLM Movement in Sports

1 comment:

revereridesagain said...

Some commenters on last week's #WalkAway rally in DC noted that there are many non-devout-Christian voters who are leery of Republicans because so many Christian conservatives insist on ramming their religion down everyone else's throats as some kind of moral imperative. #WalkAway consists of fed-up former liberals who might be naturally expected to be more sensitive to this. Until CC's stop with the "ALL GODLESS people are immoral" when they have no basis in fact for such accusations, there are going to be a lot of us who, while steadfastly backing Trump and voting Republican, won't really trust y'all as far as we can throw you. Being constantly insulted for adherence to reason and reality will tend to do that.