Sunday, November 07, 2021

BDS-supporting novelist gets her books banished by Israeli bookstores

A novelist named Sally Rooney, whose novels already reek of anti-Israel sentiment, was shunned by 2 Israeli bookstore chains over her support for BDS:
Israel's two major bookstore chains, Steimatzky and Tzomet Sefarim, will stop selling Sally Rooney's books, the two announced on Thursday.

Rooney's books have been removed from the two companies' websites, and they have begun the process of removing the books from their stores of which there are over 200 combined across the country.

This move comes after Modan Publishing House said last month that Rooney would not allow her new book, Beautiful World, Where Are You?, to be published in Israel because she supports BDS. Modan had previously published Rooney's other books, Normal People and Conversations with Friends, in Hebrew. Rooney later stated that her problem was with Israel and not with her books being translated.

"It would be an honor for me to have my latest novel translated into Hebrew and available to Hebrew-language readers," she said in a statement. "But for the moment, I have chosen not to sell these translation rights to an Israeli-based publishing house."

This is not the first time Rooney has experienced anti-Israel opinions, as the actions and opinions of her characters in her previous books are also anti-Israel.
I think the correct word the paper meant to use was "expressed", but in any event, the point was made. It seems we have here an anti-Israeli novelist who's gone overboard in business terms, and now, she's facing a suitable backlash. People with common sense here shouldn't buy her books, of course.

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