Always keep it firmly in your memory that Donald Trump allowed this pathetic homo-Mengele to continue on in his job. Trump promoted these vaccines, claimed them as one of his biggest accomplishments, and granted Fauci the soapbox from which to destroy much of the American way of life. Always remember that.Memoli had told Fauci in a July 30 email that he believes “the way we are using the vaccines is wrong,” adding that mandated vaccines are “extraordinarily problematic,” according to the WSJ.
— Randy Hillier (@randyhillier) November 10, 2021
You may forgive Trump for that, but never forget it.
Forgive me if this has already been posted, but it is so appalling in its entirety that I just have to post the link anywhere I can.
Remember that this is not a course description from some leftard university. This is the AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION.
Sort of explains a lot, doesn't it.
Trump promoted these vaccines
And still does, I think.
Trump also promoted the development of treatments for COVID-19. Big Medicine and Big Pharma have conspired to put those treatments out of our reach.
Do I forgive Trump? Yes -- for the past. But not for the present!
Yes, that is exactly how I feel about it. He ought to be with us shouting from the rooftops.
Why isn't he?
I don't know.
Maybe Trump was just another installed President, who was there to give us the illusion of freedom, while he snuck in the coup de gras.
My gut tells me that wasn't the case.
Trump was not a science person, not a medical person. He trusted experts -- except for political experts, that is. He also trusted Big Pharma to save lives. I've come to believe that Big Pharma is all about the bottom line.
I would prefer for you to be right.
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