Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Died Suddenly

November 21st, 2022 is the premiere of a must watch video called “Suddenly Died”. Below is a link for the 4 minute trailer that is a must watch. (I recommend you use an alternative browser, Google is probably heavily censoring this). 
This blockbuster documentary has accounts from morticians who discuss finding massive fibrinogen clots during autopsies, Dr. James Thorpe OB/GYN who discusses the 12 sigma increase in fetal mortality, Brook Jackson who was the clinical trial whistleblower who filed a lawsuit against Pfizer, and many other people who have spoken out about the sudden deaths we are seeing post vaccine. They discuss the insurance companies paying out large sums on death benefits, the excess mortality, the decreased birth rates, the sudden deaths of athletes and kids……all of it is covered in this upcoming November 21st video.


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