Wednesday, November 16, 2022

The incidence of neurologic side effects and seizures caused by the covid vaccine

A 56-year-old roofing contractor and friend of the family had his first ever seizure while working on the rooftop of a hotel building. His coworker used all his might in a harrowing rescue maneuver to keep the helpless seizing man from falling further over the edge to his death many stories below. 
As a result of this neurological event, the contractor had a prolonged severe concussion, broken ribs, and underwent countless x-rays and scans during a hospitalization and follow-up clinic visits. He went on temporary disability and his small business was shut down. 
Months later he had difficulty controlling high blood pressure and felt weak and dizzy. After an exhaustive diagnostic evaluation there was no explanation for the seizure. 
Then there is this case study published. 
Comprehensive testing including repeated spinal taps demonstrated indirect evidence of the Spike protein produced by the mRNA vaccine within the brain. They found IgG directed against the receptor binding domain of the Spike protein in cerebral spinal fluid and over time, the concentrations of this antibody were discordant with serum levels, suggesting the Spike protein was indeed within the brain where it would be expected to cause inflammation and trigger a seizure.


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